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Product Update
Hi there [fname],

The new TTS Corporate version is out and now without the "Open Beta" tags.
It is great to see that TTS Corporate has grown and all thanks to early-adopters.
Now you have the TTS Corporate you asked for and help building. By the way, our thank you 1000 USD credit bonus is now in your TTS Corporate current account!

Check below what's new, the main changes made and how to deal with them!
What's new
Disrupting what has been complex and expensive to build a Corporate Booking Solution for everyone
Low Cost Carriers content
Integration of generic and agency custom content from low cost carriers and ability to define, globally or per company, fees, carrier preferences, payment logic, and if the option of creating passive GDS segments is selected you can also set specific queues for this content. To activate this content, go to Customization in the main menu and click in the Low Cost Flights Manage button.
Fastest search response time
We have put a lot of effort improving our content search response time to be the fastest CBT search engine around and we made it. Companies have no time to lose, so performance is key thus being one of our commitments in which we will continue to invest.
By letting travel agencies activate the content and features per company, customization offers travel agencies the ability to tailor the tool according to their own and their companies' specific needs allowing travel agencies to offer their clients a solution as settings-rich as each client wants. This area is accessible through the main menu.
Add Funds
This area lets travel agencies add funds to the application, which are used to pay for the costs associated with the non-free available contents and features. This area is accessible through My Account.
Current Account
It shows you the current balance of your current account and lets you also track all the transactions related with the non-free content and features. This area is accessible through My Account.
Set of reports, mainly focused on allowing agencies and companies to export all relevant data from the system for offline handling. It starts with a couple o reports and more reports will be added during the upcoming weeks. This area is accessible through My Account.
This area allows you to easily track information about changes made in the application namely content and feature status changes. This area is accessible through My Account.
MIR Generation
Option to generate MIR (Machineable Interface Record) at booking time enabling travel agencies to integrate booking information into their backoffice systems. Only available for Apollo and Galileo. To benefit from this option, you need to have Remarks and Backoffice Integration subscribed which you can do by accessing Customization > Features.
Main changes and how to deal with it
Content and Features Customization
GDS content types, low cost flights content and features like Private Fares, Travel Policies, Remarks and Backoffice Integration and Offline Request are applicable per company, so when you log in the new version, you will have to subscribe these content/features for your companies to allow them to search and book the content and have the referred features applied to their booking environment.

Agency Branding and regions are applicable to the agency so when subscribed they will be available to all your companies.

To subscribe content and features, go to Customization in the main menu.

You can use the bonus credits your agency received to subscribe any of these features.

Rest assured, previous settings related with all these contents and features were preserved and you will see them appearing in the settings menu as soon as you start subscribing each content/feature.
You continue to be able to have unlimited agency users. TTS Corporate offers 50 active users for free to each company created. All company active users are accounted independently from the roles they have. If you have a company with more that 50 users, you will need to subscribe the necessary additional users packs for that company, to cover for the number of users exceeding the 50 users given for free. You can use the bonus credits we gave you to activate the additional user packs your company needs. Please note, that if already have companies with more than 50 active users now in the application you have to complete this action in 48 hours otherwise the number of users exceeding 50 will be inactivated.
Settings continue to be where they have always been, however its submenus changed a little to offer a better organization.
Settings are associated to contents or features so this menu has now several submenu levels which take you to each content/feature settings. As an example, GDS Core Flights have several settings and they are now grouped together, the same happens with other contents and features.
Queues and content payment options which were previosly part of each company profile are now part of content settings opening the option of assigning different queues for each type of content.
Travel Policies, User Groups and Reason Codes
Travel policies and User Groups settings which were under My Account menu are now accesible through Settings > Features > Travel Policies together with Reason Codes, which before were part of each company profile. This way, all corporate travel compliance related settings are now grouped together.
GDS Information and Connection details
GDS Connection information and GDS Information like Mandatory Rule Name, ViewTrip white label, OW Faring option, Accepted Credit Card Types for GDS bookings payments are now part of the GDS Provisioning page which is available in any GDS Core content settings.
My Agency
Since Currency is a global definition that is relevant for several content types, is it now something defined in My Agency page instead of part of the GDS Connection area. Your agency support contacts are now available in My Agency page.
You might note other minor changes around the application.
What has been temporarily disabled
Booking Cancellations are temporarily disabled and we are already working to make them available again soon.
What has been removed
Carrier, hotel and rent-a-car preferences available for admin company users have been removed and are now only managed through agency management areas so that agencies can have full management control of the booking environment.
Thank you again for your trust
Thank you for your trust and for taking the time to get back to us with suggestions and ideas, to help us shape TTS Corporate to be the Corporate Booking Tool you need, and for the enthusiasm you have put in it.
Give it a try and let us know what you think!
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We are always happy to hear from you!
Best Regards,
Susana Gonçalves
Product Manager @ TTS
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